A Life transformed! When a cripple met Jesus.

Dated: 24 Jun 2023

My name is Saazi Tadeo and I am from the village called Namasenene in Mityana, Uganda. I am married and I have 6 children. Here I am going to share my testimony of how Jesus Christ healed me from being a cripple and led me into a new life.

I had become a cripple due to an accident and not by birth. Before this accident, I used to be a farmer and a butcher.

One day I was returning home from my butchery work and was carrying some meat with me. On the way, three robbers attacked me and beat me up with wooden rod. I was beaten severely on my head, face and legs, and I fainted and fell on the ground. They then stole all my money and the meat and left.

This incident happened in 2019, after which I was in a coma for 2 years. When I woke up from the coma, I realized that I am bedridden and unable to move; I could not turn my head and was totally paralyzed on the right side of my body. I could not do anything and felt helpless. My sister then arranged for my treatment which helped me to at least stand up with the help of a stick.

But then the people around me started to mock me. As I started walking with the help of a stick many people would call out “There goes the lame man!”, “There goes the cripple!”. This made me feel ashamed of myself and I stopped coming out of my home. I found myself in a very hopeless situation.

One day in 2023, I came to know about TOLIM ministry and that they are conducting a Gospel Evangelism Crusade near my village. I also heard that this ministry is all about Healing and Deliverance, and that the crusade is conducted by some Indians. It was my parents who first told me about the ministry and their upcoming village crusade. Then I heard their campaign announcements being made in motor vehicles. My parents asked me to go to this crusade, but I refused. In the past, I had attended many crusades conducted by our village pastors but with no results in my life or my legs; so, I didn’t have any hope or faith left in me. But my parents kept forcing me to go; eventually, because of their faith I agreed to attend the crusade. So, they arranged a boda-boda (motorbike) transport for me and I went.

When I reached by the road next to the crusade ground, two brothers and a sister(ushers) helped me get down from the boda-boda. Then they carried me to the crusade ground and help me sit down. I sat on the ground with my legs stretched out straight in front of me, as that was the only way I could sit. As I sat there, I could see many people around me praying and worshiping by singing and dancing. After some time, darkness fell and the lights in the crusade ground were turned on. Then I saw a man come and step onto the stage, and I heard the people saying and some shouting “Apostle Bran is here”. He started to preach and I could see that his preaching was totally different from what I had ever heard before.

Suddenly I heard a commanding voice speaking to me – it was calling out to me “Stand up and come”. I was scared and remained fixed where I was sitting. Again, the voice called out to me and said, “Stand Up and come to the front”. This time I tried to stand up, but immediately doubt overtook me and kept telling me “How can I stand without my stick?”. Yet again I heard the voice a third time and it gave me the strength; I tried to stand up without the help of my stick and ended up standing on both my arms and legs like a cat. So again, I tried to reach out for my stick for support. But I heard the voice again from the Apostle; this time that voice filled me with hope and I obeyed that voice. Immediately I felt some power inside of me and that power made me to stand up. This was the very first time since 2019 that I stood up fully by my own strength and without anyone’s aid.

I need to mention here that I don’t speak English, I don’t write English and I don’t understand English at all. But as the Apostle spoke to me in English, I heard whatever he said in my own local language (Luganda). He told me to come in the front and I slowly walked towards the stage; this is after 4 years of the accident. He stepped down from the stage and touched me twice; I felt a power passing through me and fell down on the ground. The next I know is him asking his disciple to lift me up. He told me to jump and I jumped! He danced with me and I danced with him, and I continued to dance by the power of God that touched me.

I came to understand that Jesus Christ has healed me completely. I accepted Jesus as my Father, my Lord and my Saviour. The very next day, I took Water Baptism and now I am a believer in the TOLIM Church in Mityana.

Now I can walk and slowly run. Day by day the strength in my body is increasing. I am now able to help my parents in agriculture by digging and slashing in our garden. My whole village is shocked to see my healing. My Lord Jesus has made everything new in my life. Thank you Jesus!